這是113/12/15道晟師父於板樹體育館開示【歸命佛王阿彌陀 平步青雲承聖位】的最後一小段,美國蓮友梁因蓮發心翻譯成中、英文字幕,在完整開示影片製作完成之前,師父先讓大家搶先一賭「中英文版」的法味,陪您跨年,新年快樂,南無阿彌陀佛!
If life is a train, impermanence is the driver's name. Following the destined track set by karma, no matter when you get off, the name of each station is reincarnation.
When we become Buddhists who recite Amitabha, we entrust our lives to Amitabha, He will drive the train of our life, Following the track of His Great Vows, no matter when you get off, the name of each station is the World of Ultimate Bliss.