🏆 2025全鴻海運動嘉年華精彩回顧!
今年鴻海嘉年華首度登上台北大巨蛋,並且以運動會形式,喊出「Team鴻海 Let's Run」,凝聚全球夥伴!來自中國大陸、印度、越南、美國、日本、捷克、斯洛伐克以及匈牙利等地區海外同仁齊聚一堂,跨越國界,共同感受團隊力量!
球場上,各項運動競賽激烈較勁,場邊應援熱情沸騰,藝人表演更將氣氛推向最高潮!最後,壓軸抽獎送出20位百萬現金幸運兒,再加碼20台MODEL C電動車,讓全場沸騰!🔥
感謝所有夥伴熱情參與,期待明年再相聚,攜手展現 「One Foxconn」精神!🚀
For the first time, the Hon Hai (Foxconn) Sports Carnival lit up the Taipei Dome, bringing together colleagues from China, India, Vietnam, the U.S., Japan, the Czech Republic, and Hungary under the theme “Team Hon Hai, Let’s Run!” 🌏
The event was filled with thrilling competitions, roaring cheers, and electrifying performances. The grand finale featured 20 lucky winners taking home NT$1 million each, along with 20 MODEL C EVs that ignited excitement across the crowd. 🔥
#2025全鴻海運動嘉年華 #鴻海嘉年華 #運動 #團隊 #TeamHonHai #ESG #Employee #Teamwork #Foxconn #HonHaiTechnologyGroup