After a couple of days in Melbourne, we collected our hire car and set out on our week-long road trip back to Sydney to catch the flight home.
First stop was on Phillip Island, off the coast of Victoria. The main highlight here was the Penguin Parade at dusk on the south-west corner of the island, were roughly 1,000 penguins land on the beach every day, bringing food for their young back to their burrows in the dunes. Unfortunately, there was not photography allowed, so no images - but it's a magical, natural event, so I recommend you to look it up and plan a visit of your own!
From there, we saw more wildlife on Phillips Island, visiting the koala sanctuary. After the bush fires in New South Wales and Victoria a few years again, a number of displaced koalas are protected here - it was amazing to see them up close and personal, and even taking some time out from their daytime naps to move about a bit!
We saw more koalas on Raymond Island a couple of days later, where over 200 live, but as they were much higher in the trees it was more difficult to capture videos of them, so we just walked the trail and spotted them in the trees.