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冬の榛名神社参拝 2025/01/19 Haruna Shrine

四季彩遊歩 279 2 weeks ago
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BGM グリーグ ペールギュント第一組曲 第1曲「朝」 書、水彩画 四季彩遊歩 榛名神社 榛名山の中腹にある榛名神社は、第31代用明天皇(585~587)の時代に創建されたといわれています。榛名神社の名前は927年に完成した「延喜式神名帳」(えんぎしきしんめいちょう)という全国の主な神社名を書きあげた記録の中に「上野国十二社」(こうずけのくにじゅうにしゃ)の一つとして載っています。古来より鎮火、開運、五穀豊穣、商売繁盛のご利益があるといわれています。 雨乞いの神社として、また、修験者の霊場として古くから榛名山信仰の参拝者を集めてきました。 権現造りの本殿をはじめ神楽殿、国祖社・額殿、双龍門、神幸殿、随神門などが国の重要文化財に指定され、武田信玄が箕輪城攻略のとき、戦勝を祈願して矢を射立てたといわれる 矢立杉は国の天然記念物に指定されています。また、境内や参道には数多くの文化財や見所が多数点在しています。御姿岩(みすがたいわ)や九十九折岩(つづらおれいわ)、倉掛岩(くらかけいわ)、鉾岩(ぬぼこいわ)など奇岩奇景が境内に多くあります。 門前の社家町には、独特の風景を醸し出す国登録有形文化財の宿坊が点在し、榛名神社に参拝しながら情緒あふれる街並みを散策することができます。                 榛名観光協会HPより引用 Haruna Shrine, located on the middle slope of Mt. Haruna, is said to have been founded during the reign of the 31st Emperor Yomei (585-587). The name of Haruna Shrine is listed as one of the "Twelve Shrines of Kozuke Province" in the "Engishiki Shinmeicho" (Engishiki Shinmeicho), a record of the names of major shrines throughout Japan, which was completed in 927. It has been said since ancient times that the shrine has the power to bring about fire suppression, good fortune, bountiful harvests, and prosperity in business. It has long been a shrine for praying for rain and a sacred place for ascetic monks, attracting worshippers of Mt. Haruna. The main hall, built in the Gongen style, as well as the Kagura Hall, Kokusosha/Naku Hall, Soryumon Gate, Shinkoden Hall, and Zuishinmon Gate are designated as Important Cultural Properties of Japan, and the Yatate Cedar, where Takeda Shingen is said to have shot an arrow in prayer for victory when he attacked Minowa Castle, is designated as a national natural monument. Additionally, there are numerous cultural assets and points of interest dotted within the grounds and along the approach to the shrine. There are many strangely shaped rocks and landscapes within the grounds, such as Misugataiwa (Misugataiiwa), Tsuzuraoreiwa (Tsukunaoreiwa), Kurakakeiwa (Kurakakeiwa), and Nubokoiwa (Hokoiwa). The shrine town in front of the shrine is dotted with temple lodgings that are nationally registered tangible cultural properties and create a unique landscape, and you can stroll through the atmospheric townscape while visiting Haruna Shrine. From the Haruna Tourist Association website
