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2025年廣州荔灣花市美食街!美食嘉年華!現場手作點心!中國傳統節日!CNY!2人消費60元!排骨煲仔飯!牛肉飯!美食旅遊攻略!震撼場面!一定要來!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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成為此頻道的會員即可獲得以下福利: #廣州 #美食 #cny 餐廳名稱:偉棧煲仔飯 餐廳地址:廣州荔灣區西華路142號 GOOGLE MAP: BAIDU MAP: 餐廳消費:榨菜牛肉煲仔飯 ¥23,排骨拼臘味煲仔飯 ¥23,椰子燉烏雞湯 ¥15 ———————————— 荔灣路位於中國廣州市荔灣區,是一條呈南北走向的主要道路。 其南起華貴路,北至東風西路,全長1070米,寬40米,雙向8車道。 1950年擴建成馬路,因在荔溪首約之東,故名荔灣東約馬路,華貴路至中山七路的一小段原名三聖一巷。 1966年改稱為荔灣北路,1981年改現名。目前每年均於中山路至西華路一段舉辦迎春花市。 2013年,因廣州地鐵8號線彩虹橋站建設需要,荔灣路(西華路至東風西路段)封閉,直到2023年5月14日恢復通車。 —————————— 龍津路是位於中華人民共和國廣東省廣州市的一條呈「┏━」走向的道路,全長約2.3公里,寬10至17公尺。全路分東、中、西三段,東起人民中路至康王中路為龍津東路,往西至華貴路為龍津中路,再往西至荔灣湖公園前向南折名為龍津西路。道路兩旁騎樓眾多,有濃厚的西關特色。 龍津東路口原是“第六甫水腳”,由光復路口到紫來市場一段原是“青紫坊”,由此至帶河路尾一段原是“蘆排巷”。龍津中路原是「龍津橋」和「龍津街」。龍津西路原是「三聖社街」。再西是「恩洲直街」及「恩洲七、八約」。 清末到中華民國初年,此處與和平路、長壽路等,集中當時廣州的名中醫,故有中醫街的稱呼。 龍津路於1930年擴建後道路,因附近有龍津橋故名龍津路。文化大革命時期,龍津西、中、東三段路,曾分別命名為“向陽一路”、“向陽二路”、“向陽三路”,1982年復名。 1990年代尾左右開始,龍津路成為了宵夜一條街,據悉鼎盛時這裡的宵夜規模,就如往後的寶業路、員村二橫路般。在2003年前嘉年華野味海鮮酒家(後嘉年華海鮮酒家)是最出名的蛇餐食肆,不少街坊都會慕名而來。據介紹生意最鼎盛時,一天就可以賣掉150公斤蛇,當時門口的蛇籠堆得比人還高。到非典疫情後,食肆改名,食客也大減。 ———————————— Liwan Road is located in Liwan District, Guangzhou, China. It is a main road running north-south. It starts from Huagui Road in the south and ends at Dongfeng West Road in the north. It is 1,070 meters long, 40 meters wide, and has 8 lanes in both directions. It was expanded into a road in 1950. Because it is east of Lixi First Agreement, it is named Liwan Dongyue Road. The small section from Huagui Road to Zhongshan Seventh Road was originally named Sanshengyi Lane. It was renamed Liwan North Road in 1966 and changed to its current name in 1981. Currently, a spring flower market is held every year from Zhongshan Road to Xihua Road. In 2013, due to the construction of Rainbow Bridge Station on Guangzhou Metro Line 8, Liwan Road (from Xihua Road to Dongfeng West Road) was closed until May 14, 2023. —————————— Longjin Road is a road with a "┏━" direction located in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, the People's Republic of China. It is about 2.3 kilometers long and 10 to 17 meters wide. The whole road is divided into three sections: east, middle and west. The road from Renmin Middle Road to Kangwang Middle Road in the east is Longjin East Road, the road from Huagui Road in the west is Longjin Middle Road, and the road from Liwan Lake Park to the south is Longjin West Road. There are many arcades on both sides of the road, which has a strong Xiguan characteristic. The intersection of Longjin East Road was originally "Sixth Po Shuijiao", the section from Guangfu Road to Zilai Market was originally "Qingzifang", and the section from here to the end of Daihe Road was originally "Lu Pai Lane". Longjin Middle Road was originally "Longjin Bridge" and "Longjin Street". Longjin West Road was originally "Sanshengshe Street". Further west is "Enzhou Straight Street" and "Enzhou Seven and Eighth Agreement". From the late Qing Dynasty to the early years of the Republic of China, this place, together with Heping Road and Changshou Road, concentrated the famous Chinese medicine practitioners in Guangzhou at that time, so it was called Chinese Medicine Street. Longjin Road was expanded into a road in 1930, and was named Longjin Road because of the Longjin Bridge nearby. During the Cultural Revolution, the three sections of Longjin Road, namely the West, Middle and East sections, were named "Xiangyang 1st Road", "Xiangyang 2nd Road" and "Xiangyang 3rd Road" respectively. They were renamed in 1982. 更多精彩影片推薦: ★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★ ★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★ ★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★ ★中山最隱世漁村食海鮮★ ★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★ —————————————————— Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:20 新年來臨突降大雨/荔灣區花市實況 02:56 傳說中的「屎坑粉」是什麼? 04:52 西華路下午茶/偉棧煲仔飯/榨菜牛肉煲仔飯/排骨拼臘味煲仔飯/椰子燉烏雞湯 14:26 最好「行」花市/荔灣區是小食集中地 21:06 花市變成美食節 32:06 最新花價 43:27 速食店快閃熱舞 44:51 Ending —————————— #广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #美食 #CNY #荔灣 #花市 #美食嘉年華 #點心 #傳統節日 #2025年 #排骨煲仔飯 #牛肉飯 #旅遊 #西華路 #煲仔飯 #農曆新年 #food tourism #food tour in china #chinese food tour #china tour guide #china tour vlog #美食 中国
