🎆✨ 马来西亚农历新年必打卡!2025年佛光山东禅寺平安灯会震撼来袭,数十万盏彩灯点亮夜空,呈现美轮美奂的灯光盛宴!🏮🐉 这里不仅有璀璨夺目的灯饰,还有新年祈福、精彩文化表演、美食摊位,让你沉浸在浓浓的新春氛围中!😍 这次灯会有哪些亮点?怎么去?怎么玩?跟着我的镜头,一起感受东禅寺的震撼美景!📸✨
🎆✨ A must-visit spot for Chinese New Year in Malaysia! The 2025 Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple Lantern Festival is here, lighting up the night with hundreds of thousands of dazzling lanterns! 🏮🐉 From breathtaking light displays to traditional blessings, cultural performances, and delicious food stalls, this festival offers a full Chinese New Year experience! 😍 What are the festival highlights? How to get there? What to expect? Follow my camera as we explore the mesmerizing beauty of Dong Zen Temple! 📸✨
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