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#馬斯克 #DOGE
00:00 開頭
01:28 【芒狗狗繪本】廣告段落
02:15 首創!美國政府效率部是什麼?
04:13 成立DOGE,是為了避免美國破產?
05:36 DOGE開鍘:華府大裁員!
06:57 DOGE開鍘:凍結USAID
09:24 反對聲浪:因小失大、亂刪一通?
11:03 反對聲浪:利益衝突與違法疑慮?
12:40 國際社會、美國人民怎麼看?
14:54 我們的觀點
16:38 提問
16:55 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ The Biggest Hoaxes Spread By Elon Musk And DOGE, Debunked:https://is.gd/fVX4eP
→ What is Doge and why is Musk cutting so many jobs?:https://is.gd/bRLKUK
→ DOGE moves ‘harming a long-term American interest’: John Bolton | On Balance - YouTube:https://is.gd/cudA9I
→ Elon Musk's budget crusade could cause a constitutional clash in Trump's second term | AP News:https://is.gd/cuuMNP
→ Turmoil inside USAID as Musk calls the agency 'criminal' and says it 'has to die' - ABC News:https://is.gd/sNiP2E
→ Elon Musk's budget crusade could cause a constitutional clash in Trump's second term | AP News:https://is.gd/cuuMNP
→ Donald Trump's government, plans, and priorities; Elon Musk and DOGE; Russia and Ukraine: February 16-18, 2025 Economist/YouGov Poll | YouGov:https://is.gd/jqGruj
→ Video: Trump’s claims about DOGE savings so far don’t add up | CNN Politics:https://is.gd/Zv6N5L
→ Do Dems want to get out of DOGE? - The Washington Post:https://is.gd/SbYK2d
→ February 2025 National Poll: Trump Presidential Approval at 48%; Musk DOGE Job Approval at 41% - Emerson Polling:https://is.gd/CZ5Dp2
→ An annotated guide to DOGE’s playbook for eliminating DEI - Washington Post:https://is.gd/Vqvq49
→ Musk's DOGE cuts based more on political ideology than real cost savings so far | Reuters:https://is.gd/rjP2KI
→ Demystifying the Department of Government Efficiency | WIRED:https://is.gd/VSb9Ke
→ Is Elon Musk Right About Big Government? - The Atlantic:https://is.gd/Gzy1tV
→ Musk’s DOGE is trying to access your data. Take these financial precautions. - The Washington Post:https://is.gd/Cg2ZV2
→ U.S. government officials privately warn Elon Musk’s DOGE blitz may be illegal - The Washington Post:https://is.gd/OA59lF
→ Elon Musk calls USAID ‘a criminal organization.’ Here’s the truth.:https://is.gd/dug5sB
→ Five alarm warning': Possible DOGE access to private taxpayer data sparks outcry - POLITICO:https://is.gd/RhbkAf
→ What is DOGE? Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency led by Musk and Ramaswamy | The Independent:https://is.gd/8uoRIN
→ Trump wants to order the Education Department to close. Congress may get in the way | AP News:https://is.gd/0WiPwD
→ Trump, joined by Musk, orders up major cuts to US workforce:https://is.gd/7TJLt8
→ 盧比歐指派國務院援外辦公室主任接手USAID,學者:川普凍結對外援助,削弱美國在太平洋影響力 - TNL The News Lens 關鍵評論網:https://is.gd/Ol5XD9
→ 「川普、馬斯克對美國傷害更大」USAID是霸權者的偽善?學者:中共積極大外宣,為何民主國家不能以怨抱怨 - 今周刊:https://is.gd/OSO2Zp
→ 川普與馬斯克為何主張「USAID必須死」?獨裁國家聯盟將漁翁得利? - 報導者 The Reporter:https://is.gd/9nENO1
→ DOGE挨轟 裁員亂砍核武機構政策急轉彎:https://is.gd/WGEffp
→ DOGE尋求訪問美國國稅局存儲敏感納稅人數據的系統 - WSJ:https://is.gd/uEtOw7
→ 马斯克现身白宫,为削减成本行动辩护 - WSJ:https://is.gd/bCH4Ud
→ 美國數千名聯邦政府僱員周四被炒 據報多達20萬人恐失飯碗:https://is.gd/mMb25Z
→ DOGE 要進入美國國稅局系統?不受限制的權力引發資安疑慮 | 過去24小時 | 轉角國際 udn Global:https://is.gd/un6Ka9
→ 馬斯克「滲透」美國政府?DOGE若取得財政部資料,恐動搖美元穩定 | 遠見雜誌 | LINE TODAY:https://is.gd/xV2A2V
→ USAID資金凍結的深遠影響:從台灣奇蹟到全球反詐騙行動,沒有人是局外人 | 政經角力 | 轉角國際 udn Global:https://is.gd/HnfxfK
※ 影片中部分影像素材來自 Shutterstock、Envato與 Midjourney 。
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