Buna ziua everybody!
Welcome to this new trip report onboard the best way of traveling... Night trains of course!
The Euronight Dacia one on my bucket list since a long time, that trip turned out even better than expected despite a rough start!
Enjoy :)
Railroad company: CFR Calatori
Train type: WLABmee sleeping car 70-71
From: Vienna Hbf to Gara București Nord;
Time: 20h18
Price: 149€
LINK TO THE NEW CHANNEL : Minitrak by Simply Railway https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgV2ympxK8JW2xLWZEPD5ZA/videos?app=desktop&view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=0
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Massive thanks to my following Patreon for their help :
Claudio Bickel ; Martin Haynes ; Laurent Gilson ; Louis Haywood ; D Austin Horowitz ; Thomas Alfred Roell ; Captain Ginyu ; Andreas Konrad ; Christopher Style ; Dick DeBartolo ; Brian Sikorski ; Sandeep Ayyappan ; Nicholas Torres ; Peter N ; Nick Reed , Randy Dean ; Philippe Branco ; Tom Van Baren ; Ian Earle ; Robin Roemisch ; Michael Romero ; Fin Ross Russell ; Vel ; Benny AndTheJets ; James Pickup ; Frederic R Merchant , Jeremiah Pettus ; Roy Hunte ; Robyn Jackson ; Jeanette ; William George ; John Michael Dornoff ; Trevor Key ; Fabricio ; John Christopherson ; Linda Vainomae-Hoffmann ; Jeffrey Williams ; Shane Edmonds ; Dave Ferrell ; Joe Hoeft ; Bea Dan ; ; Yes! ; clearingrubble ; Charlie Myers ; Chris Roberts ; Bill ; jpjh ; Larry Phenis ; David Bonet ; Eric Schmidt ; John S Baldyga ; Will Ho ; Sam Couch ; Dennis Field ; Raging_lemons ; Daniel De Marta Ijurco ; Jack , Shawn Morse ; DiscoKazuma ; Benny Wong ; Amy ; Jason Rabinowitz ; Szeming Lau ; ; Peter ; Dining Car ; Robert Badgett ; Brett Babcock ; Ronald Ozio ; Paul Hurst ; Leonard McCants ; Johannes.R ; Garl Boyd Latham ; Ian Whitcomb ; TravelBlogger.com ; Jaymar7456 ; Nick Russo ; RJ B ; Parigino 48 ; Raymond Shobe ; Magikarp ; James O'Donnell ; Danny Anderson ; Marc van der Lee ; Pierre Bourry ; Mark Schutter ; John Fleckles ; cinema girl ; Jennifer M Zukawski ; Joshua Esposito ; Pierre Chevalier ; slrpnls ; pgmoser ; Caracole ; Tommy Penner ; ursus arctos ; Joe Grubbs ; Matthew Edwards ; Lee M Geller ; Peter Harrison ; Kevin Kotula ;Arthur Sievers ; Gilbert Le Blanc ; Geogast ; Mind K ; Stephen Moore ; Warren Avis ; Jun Plas ; Per Ove Persson ; Robert Mersereau ; Tim Turner ; Manuel Sauleda ; Christian Emde ; Nicole ; Bart Nadeau ; Michèle ; William Bargeloh ; Rick ; Mary Ann Bernard ; Surina Brewer ; Samuel Augustus Jennings ; Michael Moon ;
Patrick J Knapp Jr ; Tom Barton ; Jon Dover ; Cornelis Kater ; Louis P Sauve ; Ismagor
00:00 : Intro
01:37 : Vienna Hbf
02:32 : A fully booked sleeping car :(
03:29 : Nightjet to Italy
04:19 : Late and weird train consist
04:36 : One hour late
05:23 : Any free beds ?
06:00 : Welcome to Hungary
06:18 : Deluxe review
07:32 : Budapest
07:48 : Nighty night
08:13 : Leaving Schengen
08:47 : Mid roll ads
09:15 : Oh hi Romania
09:42 : Rerouting through the Danube
10:48 : Along the Danube
11:13 : Morning coffee
11:37 : Slow bound to Craiova
13:15 : Dusty and broken
14:08 : Don't tell the US
14:20 : Craiova
14:41 : Walkthrough
14:13 : Toilets Time
15:45 : Walkthrough again
17:09 : Fantastic dining car
17:55 : Southern Romania
18:16 : Approaching Bucharest
18:43 : Conclusion
19:17 : Outro