Fun & Interesting

2/12/2025 - 5th Mode of Prayer

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OUR DIVINE ORIGIN FORUM IS AN EDUCATIONAL PLATFORM PROVIDING INSPIRED DISCOURSES ON SPIRITUALITY, ASCENSION AND SELF-REALIZATION. THE FORUM HAS BEEN BROADCASTING LIVE EVERY WEDNESDAY SINCE DECEMBER 2021. THE FORUM IS FREE TO OUR GUESTS. YOU CAN SIGN-UP TO JOIN US DIRECTLY ON THE 'DIVINE ORIGIN FORUM' PAGE ON THIS WEBSITE, OR YOU CAN EMAIL YOUR REQUEST: [email protected] QUOTE: "I welcome all the blessings that God has for me." VIDEO LINK: "Gregg Braden - Our Most cherished Ancient Spiritual Technology Explained" SONG LINK: "Speak to Me in the Silence" Speak To Me In The Silence #ourdivineorigin #barbaraweatherwax #weatherwax #soulguidance #awakening #divine #energyhealing #love #spiritualgrowth #higherconsciousness #higherself #spiritualjourney #newearth #thirdeye #healing #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #ascension #peace #energy #lightworker #spiritual #universe #lawofattraction #starseed #selflove #spirituality #5d #consciousness #intuition #starseeds #meditation #lightworkers #ascendedmasters #transfiguation #evolution #christ #thechrist #archangles #metatron #sacredteachings #divinity #soul #initation #initations #soulcontracts #stagesofascension #quantumleap #incarnation #afterlife #innerworld #divineheritage #galacticmission #electronicsignature #sacredunion #divinelife #universalharmonics #selfmastery #mysticalexperience #enlightened #belovediam #divinemission #karma #universalconnection #greaterwisdom #chosenones #causeandeffect #transcend3d #realityshift #lightbody #innertransformation #languageoflight #godsdivineplan #soulevolution #evolutionofthesoul #beyondourego #knowinggod #god #harmonizing #divinecalling #journeyofthesoul #transformation #oneness #oneness5d #heart #dove #divineblueprint
