Jake Barraclough is a marathoner living, studying and running in Japan. He’s training for a sub 2:15 marathon. Jake is a marathon monk and runs 1,000km a month in the center of Tokyo to achieve his dream of turning professional. After a few injuries and intense MMA training earlier in his life, he has now been running consistently for the last 18 months with a clear goal of turning professional.
We follow him for a day in the life.
00:00 代々木公園朝6時練習集合
01:10 ポイント練習開始
04:37 帰宅ジョグ
05:50 朝ごはん
08:01 早稲田大学食堂で昼ごはん
09:01 家で宿題
09:15 午後練
10:01 晩御飯
11:05 リカバリールーティン
13:59 練習の振り替え