Hi everyone! Hope you all are doing well.
I went to The Superior Labor Store in Kurashiki the other day. So, in today's video, I'm sharing a store tour there and what it was like in Kurashiki city as well. I'm gonna have a video on how I journaled this trip and the details of the cafe and restaurant I visited in a couple of weeks. (hopefully!)
Hope you find the video fun and interesting.
As always, thank you so much for your support and love!
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🕰Time Stamps
00:01 Intro
00:27 T.S.L Store in Kurashiki
02:42 Kurashiki Bikan District (Day 2)
04:33 Museum, Cafe, journaling, and so on. (Day 3)
07:04 T.S.L Store tour (Day 4)
12:16 How to get to T.S.L store.
14:09 Outro
You can jump to the time stamps that interest you!
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✏︎For your reference
✒︎Traveler's Factory
✒︎The Superior Labor Store in Kurashiki
03:39 Nyochiku Do (如竹堂)
03:31 Koba Coffee
03:34 Kurashiki Ivy Square
03:38 SNOOPY Chocolate Kurashiki
03:39 TANE
03:48 Koeido
04:44 Cafe EL GRECO
05:23 Hayashi Genjyuro Shoten
Music by Irene Wong - Butterflies - https://thmatc.co/?l=2BF17EC7
Music by Citrus Avenue - Window Seat - https://thmatc.co/?l=FDFB4D2F
Music by aren park - don't forget your coffee! (demo) - https://thmatc.co/?l=D3E56645
Music by Teddy drabble - Autumn Song - https://thmatc.co/?l=30AC02C1
Sunshine Samba
Easy Day - Kevin Macleod
🎥About this channel
On this channel, I'll be sharing techo and journal stuff, but at the same time, things like Japanese stationary goods, hot spots, culture in Japan, and so on. As a Japanese living in Japan, I'd like to take advantage of that and explore with you even further like a traveler. So if you're interested in things like that, hit the likes and subscription button. Thanks! Lisa
#travelersfactory #travelersnotebook #japanesestationery