[How they were rescued]
"Is one of them dying? The other one is crying." A few days old cat.
They were on the verge of death, so they were immediately rescued by a cat cafe.
When a resident tried to take them out of the attic, the attic collapsed, and the resident fell and broke his leg. It is unknown who rescued them, but the kittens were left on the gravel overnight, and in the morning it was very cold, so they suffered hypothermia and were slightly dehydrated as they could not drink their mother's milk.
The rescuers were able to give first aid immediately by keeping them warm with hand warmers and blankets, warming them in the sun during the examination, and giving them milk.
The mother cat, Hina-chan, was abused by having mousetraps set on her back and buttocks, having chicken meat forcibly peeled off, and having her skin cut. She lived in the wild for several months, and it took more than a year to get her used to people before she was finally rescued.
We have compiled a record of Fuku-kun and Sachi-chan's growth over the 56 days since they were rescued.