OFDM/ OFDMA in 4G LTE - Part 1
How can we Stream a Full hd movies seamlessly; Which seemed impossible in legacy networks i.e 2G? What makes 4G/LTE so fast?
In this video we have shown, What are the complexities associated with wireless channel and how they are overcome.
We have discussed why wideband single channel are inefficient for transmission. We have shown how the effect of delay spread was reduced by dividing the wideband single channel into small subcarriers.
We have also shown how multi fold throughput was achieved by the introduction of orthogonality in FDMA.
Enjoy the video.
Images - Google images, Openclipart
Music - Bensound, Google youtube audio library
Content - 1. LTE – The UMTS Long Term Evolution (From Theory to Practice - book)
2. LTE Advanced by Wiley Publication - Book
3. Wikipedia
4. Radio electronics
5. Other Internet Resource