Oliver Lang is the greatest player of all time and one of the most iconic individuals the sport has ever seen. Mostly retired now, his focus has been on building Hormesis and creating the Elite 1v1 tour - a platform that has the potential to provide a unique opportunity for players to get paid like they never have before. Oliver is a dreamer, a visionary, an ideas person that can put action behind his thoughts to make it all come to reality. This episode is a must watch and loaded with golden nuggets from one of the most inspirational humans of all time.
LONE WOLF PAINTBALL: https://www.lonewolfpaintball.com
HORMESIS PAINTBALL: https://hormesispaintball.com/
HKARMY: https://www.hkarmy.com/
TRANZFUSE: https://tranzlabs.com/?ref=PLAYTHEGAM...
David Roque: CPA Assistant [email protected]