The first installment of the Kyushu Region Roulette trip is to Yufu City, Oita!
This time, we will focus on our trip to Yufuin, introducing you to some of the best places to eat and see.
We also made a handmade map of Yufuin!
This is not a home movie, but rather an introduction to the city's attractions!
We introduce recommended foods from 13 stores in a ranking format!
Please use it as a reference for your vacation trips!
We will also introduce some recommended inn at a reasonable price at the end, so please watch to the end!
This is the first time I've used a translation tool to try English subtitles.
I did a great job editing the video!
・湯布院 Milch(ミルヒ) / Yufuin Milch
・湯布院 鞠智(ククチ) / Yufuin Cucuchi
・金賞コロッケ2号店 / Kinsho Croquettes 2nd store
・日本茶 5toku(ゴトク) / Japanese tea Gotoku
・湯布院うまいもん研究所 / Yufuin Umaimon Kenkyujyo
・工房やまと大分 / Kobo Yamato Oita
・湯布院椎茸部 / Yufuin Shiitake Mushroom Club
・菓匠 花より / Confectionary Hanayori
・ゆふいんバーガー / YUFUIN BURGER
・nicoドーナツ湯布院本店 / nico donut Yufuin Main Store
・tèlato(テ・ラート) / telato
・河原精肉店 / Kawahara Butcher Shop
・こちょぱん / Kochopan
・金鱗湖 / Kinrin Lake
・湯布院フローラルヴィレッジ / Yufuin Floral Village
・大杵社(おおごしゃ)の大杉 / Large cedar at Ohgosha Shrine
・狭霧台 / Sagiridai
・由布岳(県道11号やまなみハイウェイ) / Yufudake (Mt. Yufu) Prefectural Road11 Yamanami Highway
・由布川峡谷 / Yufu River Gorge
・蛇越(じゃこし)展望所 / Jakoshi Observatory
・由布院離れの宿「優夏月」 / Yufuin Remote Inn "YUUKAGETSU"
<free-flowing hot spring water / open air bath / detached detached house style>
web→ https://www.yuukagetsu.com/
00:00 ~ 動画開始 / start
01:00 ~ 湯布院駅前 / In front of Yufuin Station
01:41 ~ 湯の坪街道食べ歩き / Yunotsubo Kaido Street eating around
06:57 ~ 由布見通り食べ歩き / Yufumi Street eating around
10:23 ~ 食べ歩きオススメランキング / Eating around Recommendation Ranking
11:07 ~ 絶景スポット巡り / Tour of Spectacular Spots
17:23 ~ 客室露天風呂付き格安お宿のご紹介 / Introduction of budget inns with open-air baths in guest rooms
BGMer 様 https://bgmer.net/
効果音ラボ 様 https://soundeffect-lab.info/
ただのバーチャル電燈屋さん 様 https://booth.pm/ja/items/3874786
イラストAC 様 https://www.ac-illust.com/
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