Promised that I will remove new spending the night after we gain 1 thousand likes under video with spending the night in a wet tent. Told - made! Video was shot without any preparation. Just took the camera and went to the wood to improvise. Actually as well as always. The channel exists only for that people in forests did not die any more! Therefore I will be grateful for reposts, thanks to you the victims will become less! This is not about that they repeated what I do, sense of my videos to push people on that they fought for life, tried, moved not to freeze and to die. And at the same time often I remind of simple rules which need to be observed, being going to the forest. To take matches, equipment. Million times said that with matches it any more not survival! It is excellent outdoor recreation! With matches it is possible to spend the night almost in any weather with comfort!
It is a little about spending the night... There is a lot of various variations of the shelter. But on one video of everything you will not show therefore as it turned out so it turned out. Next time it will be better! Into place arrived approximately hours to 13. Chose the place quickly. Everything was near. Both the birch, and a grass, and sticks rolled everywhere. But it was possible to find better!) Spent for construction of this den 2.5 hours. It without manipulations with the camera. Any the live plant and an animal in video did not suffer. The turf safely returned on the place further grow in the morning. All the rest remained on the place. Many mice ran on me at night)) to them now there well! Besides the things told in video forgot to mention that there was still a smartphone) Night in general passed perfectly! This rather warm shelter. But if to finish properly and in more convenient location that will be many times warmer! Temperature on the street was-1 - 0 degrees. And people died of overcooling and in the summer in +11! Cases sea!
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