► Stop leaving yourself vulnerable to data breaches. Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/financialtortoise to get a 14-day free trial and see if any of your data has been exposed.
► Get Your Free Customized Financial Plan: https://www.financialtortoise.com/quiz-financialhealth
► The Financial Tortoise Community: https://www.skool.com/financialtortoise
0:00 - Premium Bottled Water
0:46 - Subscription Overload
1:28 - Overpriced Networking
2:20 - Try Aura
3:53 - Checked Baggage Fees
4:39 - First & Business Class Flights
5:22 - Super Luxury Hotel
5:54 - Souvenir Overload
6:30 - Personalized Everything
7:20 - FREE Personalized Quiz
7:43 - Overtipping Everywhere
8:07 - Luxury Car Washes
9:06 - Frequent Home Remodels
9:37 - Seasonal Decoration Overload
10:05 - Smart Home Overload
10:47 - Second Vacation Homes
11:15 - Extravagant Weddings
11:48 - Extravagant Kid’s Birthday Parties
12:15 - Overdone Baby Gear
13:03 - Designer Clothes For Kids
13:36 - Electronic Extended Warranties
14:13 - Unnecessary Insurance Add-Ons
14:39 - Impulse Charity Donations
15:19 - Bank Fees
15:55 - Foreign Transaction Fee
16:30 - Financial Product Commission
► My partner Aura just launched their new "Are you smarter than a scammer?" quiz. Take the quiz and see if you’re as savvy as you think: https://bit.ly/aurasts
► Mint Mobile - Affordable Phone Service - https://trymintmobile.com/financialtortoise
► SoFi - Checking & High-Yield Savings Account (Terms Apply) - https://sofi.com/tae
► Shortform - More Than Book Summaries - https://shortform.com/taekim
► Squarespace - Design Website In Minutes - https://squarespace.syuh.net/financialtortoise
► Empower - FREE Financial Dashboard - https://personalcapital.sjv.io/financialtortoise
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► Favorite Books: https://www.financialtortoise.com/bestbooks
DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. I am merely sharing my personal opinion. Please seek professional help when needed.