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25 Bolt Action Battle Report: British Paras vs German Grenadiers in the Battle of ‘The Water Mill’.

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Bolt Action Battle Report : British Paratroopers vs German Platoon 1200 points, adapted sectors scenario. Another Bolt Action battle report and this week Rick returns with his beautifully painted German army. The scene is a battle over a water mill in the country side enroute to liberate Paris, France where my 1200 point British paratroopers will attempt to push back the defending German army. The scenario is based on sectors and awards points for capturing objectives and additional points for each three enemy dice taken. Watch and see this fantastic battle unfold with a slightly amended scenario, but essentially fight your way to victory, capture the objectives and see who wins! Another great battle, fantastic board and a few laughs and banter along the way… …but who will win, watch and see! Please like, share, comment and subscribe. Let us know you like the content we are producing and to keep us creating these videos... but also let us know what else you want to see. Chain of command, Sharp Practice, Never mind the Bill Hooks, Black Powder or even MeSBG!? Help us grow the community and produce better battle reports. Thanks for watching. The Ministry of Miniatures Help support the channel and use the link below for any Warlord Games products: #warlordgames #boltaction If you wish to support us and help us continue creating great content and build the channel, please visit and support us on Patreon: Or you could buy us a coffee as a thank you! Https:// Thank you to our Patreons: Field Marshal Grey Wolf. 👍🏻
