'दिल्लीतल्या 'लाडक्या' ना 2500, महाष्ट्रातल्या बहिणींना 1500 का?' Aaditya Thackeray यांचा सवाल?
सरकारने लाडक्या बहिणींची फसवणूक केली असल्याचा आरोप आमदार आदित्य ठाकरे यांनी केलाआहे. लाडक्या बहिणींना 2100 रुपये देण्याचं आश्वासन दिलं होतं, पण दिले नाहीत, आमचं सरकार असंत तर लाडक्या बहिणींना 3000 हजार रुपये दिले असतं असं आदित्य ठाकरे यांनी म्हटलंय.
MLA Aditya Thackeray has alleged that the government has cheated his beloved sisters. He had promised to give Rs 2100 to his beloved sisters, but they did not give it, Aditya Thackeray has said that if it was our government, he would have given Rs 3000 to his beloved sisters.
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