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潮州最大市場!大採購牛肉丸!著名牛肉美食店!25元一大碗!美食旅遊推薦!酒店自助早餐!當地樓價如何?2人消費50元!超級飽!午餐!街拍!街景!探店!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Hunting Archer 28,071 5 months ago
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成為此頻道的會員即可獲得以下福利: #潮州 #市場 #旅遊 餐廳名稱:潮鎮老尾牛雜 餐廳地址:潮州市湘橋區環城西路107號 GOOGLE MAP: BAIDU MAP: 餐廳消費:牛雜粿條 ¥25,牛肉丸粿條 ¥30 ———————————— 潮州,這座位於廣東省東部的地級市,以其悠久的歷史、豐富的文化和獨特的地理位置而聞名。以下是對潮州的詳細介紹: 潮州地處廣東省東部,東臨福建省的詔安縣、平和縣,西靠廣東省揭陽市,北連梅州市的豐順縣、大埔縣,南臨南海並通汕頭市和汕頭市屬的澄海區。截至目前時間,潮州市轄區面積3,693平方公尺(其中海域面積5,33平方公尺),下轄2個區(湘橋區、潮安區)及1個縣(饒平縣),戶籍人口約275.4萬。 潮州歷史悠久,文化底蘊深厚。秦屬南海郡地,漢為南海郡揭陽縣地,東晉咸和間分南海立東官郡,義熙九年分東官置義安郡,自隋代隸屬潮州府地。潮州市素有「嶺海名邦」「海濱鄒魯」之稱,被專家學者稱為「中原古典文化櫥窗」。潮州文化地域特色鮮明,擁有17項國家級非遺和40多個工藝美術門類,在國內外享有盛名。 潮州經濟穩定發展,產業特色鮮明。潮州市有九大戰略性產業集群,單叢茶、畜禽、饒平水產是潮州市千億農業三大產業,現代輕工紡織、現代農業與食品、新一代電子資訊是潮州市的主導產業。近年來,潮州依托深厚的文化底蘊和特色產業基礎,致力於打造“現代化輕工業重鎮”,“中國瓷都”“中國食品名城”“中國婚紗禮服名城”等金字招牌提級賦能。 潮州旅遊資源豐富,擁有許多風景名勝。其中,潮州古城是遊客必訪之地,歷史韻味十足,讓人彷彿穿越回千年前。此外,廣濟橋夜景、饒平柘林等也是不可錯過的景點。潮州的美食文化也同樣令人嚮往,潮汕牛肉丸、潮州春餅等傳統小吃深受遊客喜愛。 潮州注重民生改善和社會建設。近年來,潮州加快實施教育、民政、醫療衛生民生領域3個“三年提升計劃”,不斷提升人民的獲得感和幸福感。同時,潮州也積極推動都市更新與文化融合,打造中小城市美的典範。 綜上所述,潮州是個歷史悠久、文化深厚、經濟穩定發展、旅遊資源豐富、社會民生持續改善的城市。隨著時代的發展,潮州將繼續煥發新的活力,迎接更美好的未來。 ———————————— Chaozhou, a prefecture-level city located in the eastern part of Guangdong Province, is famous for its long history, rich culture and unique geographical location. The following is a detailed introduction to Chaozhou: Chaozhou is located in the eastern part of Guangdong Province, bordering Zhao'an County and Pinghe County of Fujian Province to the east, Jieyang City of Guangdong Province to the west, Fengshun County and Dapu County of Meizhou City to the north, and the South China Sea to the south, connecting Shantou City and Chenghai District of Shantou City. As of now, Chaozhou City has an area of ​​3,693 square kilometers (including 533 square kilometers of sea area), 2 districts (Xiangqiao District and Chao'an District) and 1 county (Raoping County), with a registered population of about 2.754 million. Chaozhou has a long history and profound cultural heritage. It belonged to Nanhai County in Qin Dynasty, Jieyang County in Nanhai County in Han Dynasty, Dongguan County was established by dividing Nanhai during Xianhe period of Eastern Jin Dynasty, Yi'an County was established by dividing Dongguan in the ninth year of Yixi, and it has been under the jurisdiction of Chaozhou Prefecture since the Sui Dynasty. Chaozhou City is known as the "Famous State of Linghai" and "Zou Lu on the Seaside", and is called the "Window of Classical Culture in the Central Plains" by experts and scholars. Chaozhou culture has distinct regional characteristics, with 17 national intangible cultural heritages and more than 40 arts and crafts categories, and is well-known at home and abroad. Chaozhou's economy has developed steadily and its industries have distinct characteristics. Chaozhou City has nine strategic industrial clusters. Dancong tea, livestock and poultry, and Raoping aquatic products are the three major industries of Chaozhou City's 100 billion agricultural industry. Modern light industry and textiles, modern agriculture and food, and a new generation of electronic information are the leading industries in Chaozhou City. In recent years, relying on its profound cultural heritage and characteristic industrial foundation, Chaozhou has been committed to building a "modern light industrial town", "China's Porcelain Capital", "China's Food City", "China's Wedding Dress City" and other golden signs to upgrade and empower. Chaozhou is rich in tourism resources and has many scenic spots. Among them, Chaozhou Ancient City is a must-visit place for tourists, full of historical charm, making people feel as if they have traveled back thousands of years. In addition, the night view of Guangji Bridge and Raoping Zhelin are also attractions that cannot be missed. Chaozhou's food culture is also very attractive. Traditional snacks such as Chaoshan beef balls and Chaozhou spring pancakes are very popular among tourists. 更多精彩影片推薦: ★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★ ★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★ ★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★ ★中山最隱世漁村食海鮮★ ★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★ —————————————————— Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:30 酒店自助早餐有什麼吃? 04:43 當地最大市場採購牛肉丸 20:21 著名牛肉美食店/25元一大碗 32:00 潮州西湖公園 42:25 開車前往大亞灣/預定民宿 46:59 Ending —————————— #广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #潮州 #市場 #旅遊 #美食 #牛肉 #牛肉丸 #午餐 #街拍 #街景 #探店 #自助早餐 #樓價 #牛雜 #food tour china #food tourism #vlog study #food tour vlog #china tourism #vlog china #chinese food tour #china tourist #food tour in china
