"JL Island Exploration Team", a three-hour weekend adventure tour, happy discoveries, suitable for summer exploration, convenient transportation!
白沙灣炮台(英語:Pak Sha Wan Battery),是駐港英軍為加強香港島東部海岸的防守而於1903年建成的海防炮台,炮台位於鯉魚門軍營東部的白沙灣,即現在港島東區柴灣杏花邨。炮台在二戰後被棄用,1987年,駐港英軍將鯉魚門軍營的用地,連同附近的鯉魚門炮台、西灣炮台及白沙灣炮台等軍事建築,陸續移交給香港政府,其後軍營及部分炮台分別被改作鯉魚門公園及度假村及香港海防博物館,但白沙灣炮台至今仍未對公眾開放。 (維基百科 2023)
"Pak Sha Wan Battery (Chinese: 白沙灣炮台), was a coastal defense battery built by the British Army stationed in Hong Kong to strengthen the defense of the eastern coast of Hong Kong Island. The battery was completed in 1903 and located in Pak Sha Wan, east of Lei Yue Mun Barracks, which is now known as Heng Fa Chuen in the Eastern District of Hong Kong Island. After World War II, the battery was abandoned. In 1987, the British Army transferred the land of Lei Yue Mun Barracks, along with nearby Lei Yue Mun Battery, West Point Battery, and Pak Sha Wan Battery, to the Hong Kong government. Subsequently, the barracks and some of the batteries were converted into Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village and the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense. However, Pak Sha Wan Battery remains closed to the public to this day. (Wikipedia 2023)
由杏花邨港鐵站出發,發現通往筲箕灣阿公岩秘徑,中間便是白沙灣炮台遺跡入口,先到英軍舊泳場,再到白沙灣軍營參觀,再沿海邊方向到白沙灣參觀炮台遺跡,據資料是放三口 6 吋口徑的大炮,然後折返鯉魚門度假村橋,轉入水道位置便是西灣山配水庫捷徑,經過杏花邨神秘後花園,出荒徑後接回車道,再到西灣山炮台重遊,最後晨運徑返回東區醫院及柴灣港鐵站離開。
Starting from Heng Fa Chuen MTR Station, you will discover the secret path to Ah Kung Ngam / Shau Kei Wan. Along the way, you will find the entrance to the Pak Sha Wan Battery Ruins, which was a British military swimming pool. Continue to the Pak Sha Wan Military Camp for a visit, and then proceed along the coastal direction to explore the battery ruins at Pak Shi Wan Wan. According to records, three 6-inch caliber cannons were placed there. Afterward, return to Lei Yue Mun Holiday Village Bridge and turn into the water channel to find the shortcut to Sai Wan Shan Service Reservoir. Pass through the mysterious garden of Heng Fa Chuen and rejoin the road after the wild trail. Then revisit the Sai Wan Shan Battery before finally returning via the morning exercise path to leave from Eastern Hospital and Chai Wan MTR Station.
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