I'll tweet when subtitles are added.
00:00 Introduction
01:10 Heat Pipe Operating Principle
04:37 Fabrication _ Hermeticity
07:54 Fabrication_Deaeration
08:56 Fabrication: Imitation of a commercial product
12:05 Operation check
13:52 Last resort
14:47 Another way to make it
15:34 Thermographic image
17:45 Extra & Next time notice
全てが終わる夜に written by しゃろう
ポンポン・ポンチョ written by しんさんわーくす
気づけばいつもここにいる的なBGM written by 鷹尾まさき(タカオマサキ)
Music provided by DOVA-SYNDROME.
CV:さとうささら CeVIO