今回は週末の予定について話すシーンを使いました。kill some time や it would be nice to など、会話でよく使われるネイティブの表現を学べます。
→Cameryn Carterさんの動画をお借りしました!
We are packing up, taking a break this weekend, and going fishing.
I booked a whole itinerary for me in Austin.
Grandma has grey grey this weekend and we're just doing date weekend all weekend,
we're going to the beach club tonight.
We're gonna watch the sunset on the beach, eat dinner,
and then go out with some friends, some co-workers tonight.
Um, but we're gonna kill some time and just go fishing, and relax.
There’s a new library that opened up right next to us.
It's like a $20 million project here in Lakewood Ranch.
Um, so I thought it would be nice to just go fishing, and read my book while he fishes.
・haveのコアイメージ① (英語コーチ-イングリッシュおさる)
・haveのコアイメージ② (イングリッシュ・ドクターの非常識な英語学)
・haveのコアイメージ③ (weblio英和辞典)
・kill some time の例文 (Hapa英会話)
・rightの色々な意味 (NativeCamp.Blog)
0:00 - オーブニング
0:04 - シーンの説明
0:23 - 1.字幕なし
2:06 - 2.スロー再生+解説
12:42 - 3.日英字幕