Lord Ahirbudhnya has sovereignty over Uttara Bhadrapada. He was born of the waters. He is known to be the serpent of the atmosphere, the cloud serpent, or the dragon of the deep ocean. Such depictions indicate how domineering, savage, and cruel this nakshatra could be. But his fierceness is within reason. He also represents the dark, thunderous rain clouds that produce torrential downpours and floods. But no matter how thunderous the clouds are, their waters always nourish, which is symbolic of his sensitive nature.
Here are the timestamps
Story #1: 00:06
Story #2: 01:41
Story #3: 02:44
Story #4: 04:23
Story #5: 05:05
Story #6: 06:24
Story #7: 07:17
Native: 07:41
Examples: 10:03
Moon 13:36
Sun 15:01
Mercury 18:18
Venus 21:00
Mars 22:33
Jupiter 24:51
Saturn 27:52
Rahu 30:21
Ketu 32:26
Che Guevara, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, Abraham Lincoln, and Srinivasa Ramanujan.
More on Uttara Bhadrapada - https://www.farfaraway.co/blog/uttara-bhadrapada-nakshatra-characteristics
Personalized reading - https://www.farfaraway.co/superuser
I'd like to thank the following authors:
Prash Trivedi, who authored "The Book of Nakshatras" and Radhe, who authored "The Divine Forces of the Lunar Nakshatras"
All illustrations are beautifully crafted by Salma Alegre -
More credits - https://www.farfaraway.co/credits