Who is Marc Spagnuolo? Watch Behind the Scenes with a YouTube veteran and find out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htZVfB4z2l8 --~-- Scrapwood. It’s something woodworkers accumulate as a natural part of the woodworking process. Even though the pieces are hard to incorporate into larger projects, there’s still a LOT of value in them and it’s a good idea to come up with small projects that can make good use of the stuff. That’s exactly what I had in mind when I created these small elegant jewelry boxes. And while the project appears simple, you’ll see that it does require attention to detail and precision. Even small projects deserve your best effort! So let’s dig in! For FREE Plans: http://www.thewoodwhisperer.com/videos/scrapwood-jewelry-boxes/ 5mm Barrell Hinges: http://amzn.to/2cGaYH2 This video was sponsored by QALO Rings. And a special thanks goes out to Dave Knipfer for inspiring the design! SUBSCRIBE! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=thewoodwhisperer CHECK OUT OUR SHOP TOURS http://www.thewoodwhisperer.com/shop-tours/ GET INSPIRED BY OUR VIEWER PROJECT LIBRARY http://www.thewoodwhisperer.com/viewer-projects/ DOWNLOAD OUR FREE APP Android: http://bit.ly/1MQ4ks1 or iOS: http://bit.ly/177u4An WIN FREE TOOLS! http://thewoodwhisperer.com/giveaway DETAILED PROJECT COURSES http://thewoodwhispererguild.com TAKE A VIRTUAL TOUR OF MARC'S SHOP http://www.thewoodwhisperer.com/marcs-shop/ SUPPORT OUR FREE VIDEOS http://thewoodwhisperer.com/support CONNECT WITH US! Use our contact form: http://thewoodwhisperer.com/contact Twitter: http://twitter.com/woodwhisperer Facebook: http://facebook.com/thewoodwhisperer Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/woodwhisperer/