Close to 37 years on the front lines in Boston, MA, Emmett "Pat" Nichols looks back on his career with a big smile. Even though he knew it was time to retire, his passion and love for the job is as strong today as it was all those years ago. Retiring as a District Chief, Pat worked is some of the busiest companies across the city. Always wanting to go to work, he found himself in Ladder 26, Truck 10 and Rescue 2 for most of his career. These companies didn't disappoint. Learning the technical rescue work along the way, Pat became a member of the Massachusetts Task Force 1, the USAR Team. This training led him to begin teaching and he eventually became involved with PL Vulcan Fire Training. Even after retirement, he is busier than ever with his family and the fire service as a whole. Traveling and teaching are now his focus and his experience and knowledge of the job certainly needs to be shared with firefighters everywhere.