27!!! Who is this OLD LADY?! My actual birthday is January 29; however, we did my real celebration on Saturday. This is what a perfect birthday is for me. The older I get, the more I just want to relax on my birthday - sounds boring but it brings me joy! Side note - my friend told me that someone in her class watches my vlogs bc I'm her comfort creator and I couldn't stop smiling thinking about it. If someone ever tells me this, I take it as the warmest and kindest compliment because I have comfort creators and can only DREAM of being someone's. THANK YOU for watching - love you guys!!
IG: @mananamariee / https://www.instagram.com/mananamariee/
TT: @mananamarie / https://www.tiktok.com/@mananamariee?lang=en
LTK (links to everything): https://www.liketoknow.it/mananamariee