The past few days have been full of excitement as well as joyful tears as we have witnessed our beloved pair, Jackie and Shadow, become parents once again! Mom and Dad have been doing a great job making sure both of their newly hatched chicks are fed well, staying warm and protected from the elements.
Yesterday, Shadow took the morning feeding and he did his very best to make sure each chick received enough food to fill their little crops. These little ones are doing a great job so far as they try to hold their heads up to receive food while still bobbing and weaving around. Even though they may be a little unsteady, they are both getting plenty to eat and are just as cute as can be!
When they just couldn't eat one more bite, they plopped down together, with the remaining egg between them, cuddled up and were ready for a nap. Jackie came back a while later to check on things and as she and Shadow discussed parent stuff, the two kiddos played together in the nest. After she did another feeding, Jackie may have noticed the pantry was well stocked as Dad Shadow had delivered three fish. Plus they had some leftover coot from the day before and maybe even a fish tail too! Shadow is ready to make sure there is plenty of food for the entire family.
Later in the afternoon, a winter snow storm was on the way. Once again, Jackie and Shadow continued to work together and were busy preparing in advance. The chicks were fed as much as their little crops could hold and the nest was full of soft fluff. As the snow began to fall, Shadow landed on the high perch to check on Jackie and the kids.
Jackie got up to have her dinner so Shadow covered them with his Dadbrella. Mom then returned to incubate and Dad ate his dinner. What a beautiful exchange! The entire family had full crops before bedtime so Shadow headed out to roost nearby in the shelter of a favorite tree until morning.
Parenthood is finally here once again for this beautiful couple and it sure suits them well! This new adventure has only just begun so hold on for the ride eagle family. Here we go!
Note: There is “No Confirmed Pip” yet in Egg#3. We continue to wait and watch.
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