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0:00 清水寺(日中)
music:Ty Simon - Spring Awakening(Artlist)
1:58 清水寺(ライトアップ)
music:The Bloom of Cherry Blossoms - Sight of Wonders(Epidemic Sound)
4:08 二条城
music:Cherry Blossom Fall - Joseph Beg(Epidemic Sound)
7:50 市中心部(祇園→高瀬川→鴨川)
music:cherry-blossom by ottom (Artlist)
10:17 平野神社①
music:under-the-willow-tree by searching-for-light (Artlist)
11:29 平野神社②
music:cherry-blossom by hans-johnson (Artlist)
12:49 しだれ桜(京都御苑→丸山公園)
music:eleven-hours-a-night by yehezkel-raz( Artlist)
16:54 日本庭園(平安神宮→高台寺)
music:Cherry Blossom Tree - Mandala Dreams(Epidemic Sound)
20:56 その他(八坂神社→今宮神社→石清水八幡宮)
music:Cherry Blossoms - Million Eyes (Epidemic Sound)


Journalist (newspaper24years)、Single-mother、Spiritualist

✳︎epidemic sound
