사실 나 쓸려고 만듦
1. 당근/뒤틀린 균 낚시대를 이용한 방법
(당근 낚시대) scoreboard objectives add r_click minecraft.used:minecraft.carrot_on_a_stick
(뒤틀린 균 낚시대) scoreboard objectives add r_click minecraft.used:minecraft.warped_fungus_on_a_stick
execute as @a[scores={r_click=1..}] at @s run 커맨드
execute as @a[scores={r_click=1..}] at @s run scoreboard players reset @s r_click
2. 갑옷 거치대를 이용한 방법
summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~1 ~ {NoGravity:true,ShowArms:true,Small:true,Tags:["click"],Invisible:1b}
execute as @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:아이템"}}] at @s positioned ~ ~1 ~ run tp @e[tag=click] ^ ^ ^.3 ~ ~
execute as @e[tag=click,nbt={HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:아이템"}]}] at @s run 커맨드
execute as @e[tag=click,nbt={HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:아이템"}]}] at @s run item replace entity @a[sort=nearest,limit=1] weapon.mainhand with 아이템
execute as @e[tag=click,nbt={HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:아이템"}]}] at @s run item replace entity @s weapon.mainhand with air
3. 인터랙션을 이용한 방법
summon minecraft:interaction ~ ~1 ~ {Tags:["click_i"]}
execute as @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:아이템"}}] at @s positioned ~ ~1 ~ run tp @e[tag=click_i] ~ ~ ~
execute as @e[tag=click_i] at @s on target run 커맨드
data remove entity @e[tag=click_i,limit=1] interaction
0:00 인트로
0:04 당근/뒤틀린 균 낚시대
0:30 갑옷 거치대
1:17 인터랙션