#goodwillbins #goodwilloutlet #thriftwithme
We’ve got a big video today! It is longg so it might be a 2-3-4 parter 😝😝😝 for you to watch in chunks. But wowowowowow we found some great it items at 3 different Portland locations! Thanks for coming along! Saw something good, let me know below!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
0:00 Bins Digging #1
44:03-51:04 Bins HAUL #1
51:05-1:37:15 Bins Digging #2
1:37:16-1:47:10 Bins HAUL #2
1:47:11-2:20:04 Bins Digging #3
2:20:05-2:33:21 Bins HAUL #3
See links below for where I post all the things!
Have a great day! 🦄
❤️ Ebay: https://www.ebay.com/str/nifftythrifty
❤️ Poshmark: https://posh.mk/rB8KDSrZMkb
❤️ Mercari: Check out this seller on Mercari! https://www.mercari.com/u/783868115/
Are you interested in a reselling podcast!? Check out my sister and I talk about all things reselling!
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/resistered-treasures/id1717277273 iomyw
Also! The FamBams eBay stores if you wanna check out their fun treasures!
⭐ PrimeLister: 14-day free trial, no cc needed + 30% off first month 😱😱⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⭐️