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नकली चर्च को कैसे पहचानें भाग 3 | How To Recognize Counterfeit Church Part 3 | Bible Study In Hindi
This Video is part 3 of this series
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📖 Welcome to our biblical education series where we delve into essential truths to help you discern authentic Christian teachings from potential distortions. In this video, we focus on three critical points that distinguish genuine biblical doctrine from counterfeit teachings within some churches.
🔍 Point 1: Salvation as a Gift vs. Salvation by Works
Explore the profound biblical truth that salvation is a gift from God, a result of His grace and not earned through human efforts. Dive into key scriptures, such as Ephesians 2:8-9, revealing the core foundation of salvation by grace through faith. Learn to recognize red flags indicating a departure from this fundamental truth within certain churches.
🔍 Point 2: Jesus as God vs. Jesus as a Mere Human
Uncover the biblical affirmation that Jesus is not merely a human being but the divine Son of God. Delve into scriptures like John 1:1 and John 10:30, affirming Jesus' deity. We'll address common counterfeit teachings that diminish Jesus' divinity and provide biblical clarity on this foundational aspect of Christian doctrine.
🔍 Point 3: Immersion Baptism vs. Sprinkling Baptism
Examine the biblical practice of immersion baptism and its significance, contrasting it with counterfeit teachings that advocate for sprinkling baptism. Journey through scriptures like Romans 6:4, illustrating the symbolic importance of going underwater in baptism. Gain insights into why this distinction matters in understanding the biblical message.
🙏 Our goal is to equip you with biblical knowledge so you can confidently navigate through various teachings and recognize the genuine from the counterfeit. Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore these crucial aspects of the Christian faith.
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#BiblicalTruths #ChristianDoctrine #CounterfeitChurches #BibleStudy #Salvation #JesusIsGod #Baptism #biblestudy #biblestudyinhindi