I'm no kombucha expert, but I have learned a few things since starting to drink and research this fermented tea. And I'm willing to share it with you. And most of all, I'm willing to share how much I am enjoying drinking and brewing it. Kombucha makes you poop. Kombucha needs (potentially dangerous) pressure to get highly carbonated. Kombucha has calories, even if I has no sugar. Have you all had any weird experiences with kombucha? Here are the groups that I have found super helpful in answering any of my newbie questions in. Everyone has been very friendly too, which isn't always the case online, lol. I recommend checking them out :) https://www.facebook.com/groups/Kombuchabrewingworldwide/?ref=group_browse_new https://www.reddit.com/r/Kombucha/ and here are some general fermentation groups https://www.facebook.com/groups/WlidFermentation/?ref=group_browse_new https://www.reddit.com/r/fermentation/