Chickens need the right nutrient mix to lay more eggs. I mix and soak organic feed myself at half the cost. I also use the Best Nest Box to keep my eggs from breaking or getting dirty. Finally I have a worm bin to raise Black Soldier Fly larvae for extra protein.
Check out this products here:
Best Nest Box:
Black Soldier Fly Worm Bin:
Organic grains:
My Feed Recipe:
- 1pt Organic Corn (roughly milled)
- 1pt Organic Wheat (Animal Grade)
- 1pt Organic Oats (Animal Grade)
- 1/2 pt Organic Whole Field Peas (Animal Grade, roughly milled)
- 1/2 pt Oyster Shells
- Pinch of Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade)
Video on the Best Nest Box:
Video on Black Soldier Fly Larvae: