When you say a pitcher is "short arming the ball" in baseball, what do you actually mean? Learn 3 types of short-arming in this video - two that are bad, and one that is not, along with some clarity on what this pitching mechanics term actually means. 🚨Order a Copy of my pitching book 👉 https://amzn.to/3EzMHBo
[0:00] What does it even mean to short arm the ball?
[0:45] Type 1: NOT BAD, MAYBE GOOD - A shortened arm circle or arm swing
[4:40] Type 2: VERY BAD - Pushing the ball with a low elbow
[6:03] Type 3: BAD - Stopping the follow through too soon
[7:11] Summary & What to Fix
🚨 Order a Copy of my pitching book 👉 https://amzn.to/3EzMHBo
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