I’ve partnered with Duck Brand to share 3 ways that I keep my kitchen cabinets organized so that I have a clean and simple space to enjoy cooking for my family.
1. Use a high quality shelf liner, I love the Duck Brands Easy Liner.
2. Use shelf racks to gain more space in your cabinets.
3. Declutter often and only keep what you need and use.
I could only show a few of my cabinets and drawers in this short video, but comment below which one you want to see a closer look at next and I’ll post more soon!
#DuckBrand #DuckTape #Sponsored #tidyupwithduck
#kitchenorganization #organizedkitchen #kitchen #kitchencabinets #cabinetorganization #organizedcabinets #whitecabinets #whitekitchencabinets #organizedkitchencabinets #shelfliner #shelfliners #declutteredkitchen #declutter #simplekitchen #underthesink #whitedishes #organizewithme #organizingtips #cookforyourfamily #learningtower #learningtowers #kitchencabinetorganization #organizedkitchencabinets #organizewithme #kitchentable #kitchencounters
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