00:00 摘要
00:35 最強中型航母
06:05 加強戰力
09:34 綜合國力不足
「中途島」 號航母作為美國海軍二戰時期的經典之作,雖已退役變身博物館,但其輝煌成就至今仍令人矚目。它不僅是二戰後戰斗力最強的 6 萬噸級中型航母,更是美國國力的象征。從最初的設計建造,到歷經多次改造升級,從二戰後未建寸功的遺憾,到越戰、海灣戰爭中的英勇表現,「中途島」 號的每一步都充滿傳奇色彩。其強大的蒸汽彈射器技術,更是讓同時代其他國家的中型航母望塵莫及
The USS Midway, a classic of the US Navy during World War II, has been retired and turned into a museum, but its brilliant achievements are still remarkable. It is not only the most powerful 60,000-ton medium-sized aircraft carrier after World War II, but also a symbol of American national strength. From the initial design and construction to the many transformations and upgrades, from the regret of not making any achievements after World War II to the heroic performance in the Vietnam War and the Gulf War, every step of the USS Midway is full of legends. Its powerful steam catapult technology makes other countries' medium-sized aircraft carriers far behind.