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केवल 30 दिनों में आपकी हर इच्छा पूरी होगी | मैं परमात्मा का सन्देश लेकर आया हूँ #bhaktiprabha #god

The Spiritual Awakening (Bhakti Prabha) 1,484 lượt xem 1 day ago
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The interviewee, Pradip ji, clearly and openly mentions that you must not believe anything in the Book or in what is being said in the interview. Just listen openly and drop everything at the end of the interview. Humans do not have the capacity to evaluate the speaker or the contents of the interview.

Pradip ji is not against any religion or spirituality, but is exposing the one, the God of the humans in this world, and the lies and deceptions that humans have been deceived and conditioned with.

Pradip ji offers God as a utility, not to be worshipped or revered, but to be used to explore for 30 days, to see if God gives them some relief from their suffering and pain. God will not give you anything worldly or materialistic.

In these 30 days, humans can continue with all their rituals, worshipping, praying and other spiritual practices. At the end of 30 days, they have to make a choice between God and their God. God will not give anything to the humans that humans want, except some relief in their suffering and pain.

They can let go of God, if God did not deliver anything of value, that they never got from their God. Even after 30 days, if they feel that God is not delivering, they can drop God anytime they want.

Youtube: / @alakhgod
Instagram: / alakhgod

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