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0:00 - Introduction
1:10 - Idioms Challenge
2:00 - to eat one’s words
2:21 - to make a splash
2:39 - to be on the safe side
3:00 - as far a one can tell
3:24 - to go down the drain
3:46 - to go down in history
4:15 - to go down a storm
4:43 - to take a rain check
5:08 - to take the biscuit
5:34 - to take advantage of
6:10 - to call something off
6:53 - to come to a head
7:16 - to make a bee-line for
7:54 - to draw a blank
8:07 - to put something mildly
8:37 - to have the upper hand
8:53 - to have one’s work cut out
9:12 - to hit the ground running
9:31 - to keep your nose clean
9:47 - to look alive
10:04 - to go out on a limb
10:23 - to go to the dogs
10:35 - to run the gauntlet
10:52 - to lie low
11:08 - to bury the hatchet
11:22 - to go to town
11:41 - to come in handy
11:56 - to buy time
12:14 - to be there for someone
12:31 - to put a damper/dampener on something
13:23 - Outro
🎥 Video edited by Connor Hinde
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