Building a fast car? Get $400 OFF the VIP package and never pay for another course, EVER: Kickstart your EFI Tuning knowledge. Get 50% OFF the EFI Fundamentals course: 3000HP & 10,500RPM from a 4 cylinder billet block that weighs only 106kg, who doesn’t like the sound of that possibility! Oskar Elmgren from Elmer Racing [TECH TALKS] to us about their 4L Porsche 968 Billet Block product, aptly named Thor at the 2017 World Time Attack Challenge. Oskar talks about some of the strength advantages billet products have over cast including thinner wall potential, tailor-made adjustments and of course lighter weights. Interestingly Elmer Racing also uses the stronger, uncastable 7075 alloy giving it almost twice the strength over the typically used 6061 or 6082 alloys. Also covered are some of the careful design considerations that go into bolt locations and clamping areas using friction models which see a conventional MLS head gasket despite huge boost and output numbers. Of course, oil circulation and cooling along with crank strengths are also critical areas to cover, and as such Elmer also makes their own 968 crankshafts in-house to ensure reliability. Want to learn more about performance engine building? Come along to our next free live engine building webinar - #highperformanceacademy #elmerracing #enginebuilding101 #alltheHP #buildtunedrive #wtac