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俱足威勢,力破萬障的智勇守護《金剛手菩薩心咒》3首_溫和版1小時 | Vajrapani Mantra #佛經音樂 Om VajraPani Hum

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Om VajraPani Hum

金剛手菩薩(Vajrapani),為佛教密宗護法三尊之一,以金剛杵象徵無上力量與智慧。其心咒「Om Vajrapani Hum」充滿清淨與護佑的能量,如同深谷回響,能摧毀一切黑暗與障礙,化險為夷,破除內外一切惡緣,降伏邪障,守護修行者,彷彿將修行者帶入宇宙的中心,與金剛手菩薩合一,轉化為無畏的勇士,直面生命中的風暴。



Vajrapani Bodhisattva, one of the three great protective deities in Esoteric Buddhism, symbolizes supreme power and wisdom with the vajra (thunderbolt) he wields. His heart mantra, "Om Vajrapani Hum," radiates purifying and protective energy, resonating like an echo in deep valleys. It has the power to dispel all darkness and obstacles, transforming challenges into opportunities, breaking through all inner and outer adversities, subduing negativity, and safeguarding practitioners. The mantra immerses practitioners in the heart of the universe, uniting them with Vajrapani Bodhisattva, empowering them as fearless warriors to face life's storms.

Benefits of Chanting the Vajrapani Bodhisattva Heart Mantra
1.Eliminates Inner and Outer Obstacles: Dissolves internal afflictions and external adversities, allowing practitioners to focus on their spiritual path.
2.Purifies Body, Speech, and Mind: Helps practitioners achieve a state of purity and alignment with the deity.
3.Enhances Protective Power: Invokes Vajrapani Bodhisattva's energy to safeguard against adversities and calamities.
4.Eradicates Karmic Obstacles: Reduces accumulated negative karma, paving the way for future spiritual growth.
5.Awakens Wisdom and Courage: The mantra ignites inner wisdom and fearlessness, empowering practitioners to face challenges bravely.
6.Promotes Peace and Harmony: Brings inner tranquility and fosters harmony in the surrounding environment through consistent chanting.

#佛經音樂 #金剛手心咒 #金剛薩埵 #大勢至菩薩 #淨化音樂
