Some classes' finals closed out before I made it into the stands. And some of the winners' pictures went by before I made it into the winners' circle. For the time I was in either place, I tried to film everyone I possibly could. I didn't get everybody but the results are on Facebook if you look for this event.
My only goals were to find parts, buy shirts, see my friends, watch the race and I wanted to test my new camera to see what accessories I still need to do the best job in the future for events like this. See what its strong points and weak points were, and this is just the video that happened. Turns out I got 95% of it right already, but I found a few things that will make it better. It was a gift to experience all of this.
Get more perspectives of this event! I was just a spectator. Go follow some legends and winners at the links below! Most all of them at the time of this video have posted an epic Shootout video or two!
Tunes + Tunes:
Miguel DSM:
Jason Drew's DSM:
Jspec Rutz:
Joe Wrenches:
...and if I missed anybody give me a shout and I'll put you here, too!
This video is *only a test*. Had this been a real video I would have been sponsored by Patreon, but this is only a test. Hit that like button.
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...where I upload videos all the time and don't charge them for it.