유럽의 지붕 융프라우/융프라우 가실 분들은 필수시청 [유럽32] Jungfrau, the roof of Europe/Must see [Europe 32]
그래도 개방해줬고 잘 봤잖아~ 한잔해~!
But you opened it up and I enjoyed it~
촬영장비(Camera)/마이크(Mic): 고프로 Hero 10 (Gopro Hero 10), 갤럭시 노트 20 (Galaxy Note 20)
영상에 들어간 음악들(Music)
Thief in the night - Kevin MacLeod - https://youtu.be/qrlUkpvukeg?feature=shared
This is a jazz space - Midnight North - https://youtu.be/OcSBhZdB9lU?feature=shared
Kazoom - Quincas Moreira - https://youtu.be/Sbn0ESbSzjU?feature=shared
Canal 3 - Quincas Moreira - https://youtu.be/62RM1Fe78EI?feature=shared
Track : 댕청댕청
Music by 브금대통령
Music provided by 브금대통령
Watch : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qEI_xTPa-Q
Bumper Tag - John Deley - https://youtu.be/lnGhMo5ZQvA?feature=shared
Cold Sober - Kevin MacLeod - https://youtu.be/nfAwqbJ2X1I?feature=shared
Music provided by 브금대통령
Track : 소라게의 모험 - https://youtu.be/rtqwpjoRXNc
The Wrong Way - Jahzzar - https://youtu.be/irjH9PEtEJg?feature=shared
융프라우철도 VIP 패스 사이트/Jungfrau Railway VIP Pass Site