This is part 4 of an ongoing series, so if you want to see the first 3 videos to gain a better understanding of the challenge and for continuity and context, the link to the playlist is below:
In this challenge run, I will be finding out if it is possible to obtain every single Pokémon in existence, while getting them all in National Dex order. Once I've obtained one, I am then allowed to move on and catch the next one after it. However, I am allowed to freely obtain any Pokémon as many times as I like after I've gotten it once.
This is one entire continuous series, meaning that for this leg of the challenge, since I've already obtained every Gen I, II and III Pokémon, I am free to catch any of them that appear.
It is not a living dex, so once a Pokémon has been picked up I am free to do whatever I like with it.
I can also use any games in the series, and can freely hop between them at will, along with being allowed to trade back and forth with them. I can go back to games I've used in previous parts of the challenge to pick up Pokémon if they are easier to obtain there, and if I want I can use any side games, peripherals, glitches or even events if need be, though I will primarily stick to main series games whenever possible. If obtained in a side game, it will only count as obtained once it actually arrives in a core series game, or Pokémon HOME.
I said this in the last video but this one took a lot longer to work through and edit, and they'll only get more difficult so you will definitely be waiting a while longer for part 5, so stay tuned for that.
Incredibly, I hit 2,000 subs since posting part 3, at which point I had just over 100, so I've taken extra care to make this one as good as I can make it (and will do so with all future videos.)
Be sure to subscribe if you enjoyed this because I will be continuing to make more of these videos and aim to eventually fully complete this challenge.
Video of Arceus route:
Now-unlisted video of Lee from Walking Dead saying "power switch":