Play 3rd Strike. It's a good game.
Portuguese subtitles by @/crocodillax
Japanese subtitles by @/satsuma_nao
Spanish subtitles by @/buysmt3 (@SaruWaza)
Thank you to @JiBbo , @Bafael , & @KyokujiFGC for helping with the idea and writing process behind the topics. These dudes are 3S scientists, and this wouldn't have been possible without them!
Also shout outs to Ch0sen, Jwin. D3NJ1N, Gibkram, and SaigaDOS for being video consultants and talking about games with me.
Credit goes to thelegendofhik1 for finding the Yun Recovery Cancel glitch.
Credit goes to Matt_au for the Akuma SGGK setups I totally ripped.
Credit foes to TheSaiyan for the Ryu post stun combo I also totally ripped.
Footage for the Outro background was taken from various Fightcade matches:
Nika KO vs Exodus3S
TenRUN vs Tommy2Step
BigNasty_360 vs Cruise
Inspired by the Smash is broken series by Heeew