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Fun特愛旅行-Traveling 14,241 10 months ago
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👉這趟上海之旅,其實出發前我們對於很多東西都很陌生! 像是:結帳有哪些方式?到底有沒有收現金? 網路能不能順利使用?有哪些軟體必須先下載? 我們也是抱持著先去試試看, 再將這次的旅遊心得整理一下分享給大家! 主要是希望可以幫助大家,在做功課的時候可以更上手~ 不管是即將要出發、自主旅行或是跟團的人, 其實都很適合看今天這部影片唷! Facebook Instagram Thanks to Ellis Fang for helping me compose this music: 合作邀約 ▶ [email protected] This time we're heading to Shanghai China! Before departure, many things were actually unfamiliar to us! Such as: What payment methods are available at checkout? Do they accept cash? Can we use the internet smoothly? What software do we need to download beforehand? This time, we've gathered some important travel information to share with everyone! Whether you're about to set off, traveling independently, or joining a tour group, today's video is perfect for you to watch! #上海旅遊 #上海 #中國旅遊 #中國旅遊必知 #中國支付方式 #中國網路 #上海交通 #上海美食 #上海小吃 #上海景點 #上海必知 #上海旅行 #外灘 #上海景點推薦 #中國旅遊注意事項 #支付寶 #微信 #上海自由行 #上海自助旅遊 #中國自由行 #中國自助旅遊 #shanghai #Shanghaitravel #Shanghaitrip #Shanghaitravelneedtoknow
