Building B747-8i from Zvezda kit with a little bit of twist to make it with Canadian Airlines old livery, and this is a completely fictional aircraft that has never existed before. Engines and landing gears are very detailed and they are composed from lots of parts, but just like other Zvezda kits, each part has amazing fit and no modifications were needed.
Canadian Airlines' old livery fits really well with B747-400, and so does on B747-8i. I really love the result! I hope you enjoy the video. thank you for watching!
▷Other airliner models
Hi, I am into aviation and I am a huge avgeek.
0:10 UNBOXING/開封
0:41 Decal for Canadian Airlines/カナディアン航空のデカールを使用
0:48 Fuselage assembly/胴体の組み立て
0:56 Masking windows/ボンドで窓をマスキング
3:06 Masking details/各所のマスキング
3:11 Painting begins/塗装開始
4:56 Wing assembly/主翼の組み立て
7:29 Horizontal stabilier assembly/水平尾翼の組み立て
8:23 Engine assembly/エンジンの組み立て
12:14 Landing gear assembly/着陸装置の組み立て
14:10 Decal application/デカール
16:00 Final assembly/最終組み立て
17:07 Finish
#canadianairlines #boeing #boeing747 #boeing7478i #B747 #zvezda #zvezdakit #144scale #airlinersmodel #airlinemodel #747lovers #thequeenoftheskies #カナディアン航空 #ボーイング #ボーイング747 #ズベズダ #旅客機 #旅客機プラモデル #プラモ