यह है भाग – 4 (पार्ट-4) इंतज़ार की घड़ियाँ समाप्त। इस वीडियो में आप देखेंगे अद्भुत टेक्नोलॉजी- देखें वास्तु में भूमि की ऊर्जा चेक करने वाले सिस्टम व् टेक्नोलॉजी का कमाल This video is going to be very precious for everybody because in this valuable video we will share the tool or instrument which is used to check the positive and negative Earth and its telluric value. We will also share how the Earth sensor is going to work and detect the earth energy level with the help of its sensing capability. As we are going to show you the system to detect the accurate value of Earth, similarly we are also going to share how the Earth value is calculated on the basis of the technology which is technically made. Many people may misunderstand this sensor as Vastu aura energy scanner or Vastu energy metre but in fact Aura scanner is a scanner which detects the upper energy only not the energy which is below the earth. Many people can make the aura scanner at home and they many times ask me how to make aura scanner at home and in case if they are going to buy this Aura scanner from the market or through online then aura scanner price is asked by them very frequently. Aura scanner machine or Lecher antenna are very much popular in the last two decades and how to use aura scanner is a common question which is being asked by most of the viewers who see my YouTube videos on internet. Vastu for direction metre is also a very common question when it comes to Vastu aura scanner then we discuss about many types of organisms which are available in the market but it is not easy for any person to make aura scanner at home because accuracy is the main thing in making the aura scanner and without calibration it is not going to work at all. Vastu scientific instruments like Vastu energy detector and Vastu for tools and sensor scanner which are being used by the Vastu consultants over all the world attract the modern vastu consultants very much. Vastu compass and online Vastu check for house also becoming very common nowadays because most of the people are working from home and they need that the Vastu Consultancy Services should be given by a good Vastu consultant at their home so that Vastu Compass degree may be seen accurately by the professional Vastu consultant and Vastu Compass price may be matched with pocket. Dr Anand Bhardwaj is such a best Vastu consultant who is having the largest experience in this line with almost 43 years and he is the highest qualified Vastu consultant on this globe with the highest degrees in Vastu and energy Sciences. If anybody is going to check any Vastu consultant in Delhi, Vastu consultant in Gurgaon, Vastu consultant in Ghaziabad, Vastu consultant in Faridabad, Vastu consultant in South Delhi or Vastu consultant in Noida then most of the time you will find Dr. Anand Bhardwaj on the top of the page. TTherefore, if somebody is going to search for Vastu consultant in Delhi then Dr Anand Bhardwaj is the best Vastu consultant who is available even if you type Vastu consultant near me then also Dr. Anand Bhardwaj appears as the best Vastu consultant on the first page and on the top position.
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