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台式4Q麻薯月饼 | 4 ingredients mooncake

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食材: 油皮材料: 普通面粉100g 猪油60g 水皮材料: 普通面粉160g 糖粉1湯匙 水70g 牛油55g 麻薯材料: 糯米粉45g 粘米粉35g 玉米粉20g 白糖30g 鲜奶180g 牛油20g 咸蛋黄6粒 肉鬆180g 翡翠莲蓉320g 黑白芝麻是用来沾餅的表面用,依各人喜欢多少 (皮:平均分8份) 做法: 1: 先做麻薯餡料 2: 糯米粉,粘米粉,玉米粉,粉类一起过筛入碗里,要过筛兩次,加入糖粉和牛奶混合搅拌均匀 3: 放入蒸锅蒸18分钟 4: 咸蛋黄也蒸熟,用湯匙压碎 油皮: 1: 这個时候来做(油皮)普通面粉和猪油一起搅拌均匀揉至光滑,包上保鲜膜放在旁边 2: 接下来做(水皮)的时候,普通面粉和糖粉,水,牛油一起搅拌均匀至均衡,包上保鲜膜放一边 3: 准备肉鬆餡料加入白芝麻搅拌均匀备用 4: 这时候麻薯蒸熟取出用剁刀搅拌,加入20g牛油搅拌均匀至光滑 搓成长条,分割成8份 6: 现在分割(油皮)成8份,把每粒搓圆,照着程序第一粒排好至到做完8粒 7: 接下来分割(水皮)成8份,把每粒搓圆,照着程序第一粒排好,至到8粒做好 8: 取出第一粒(水皮)按扁把(油皮)放在中間把他包起来搓圆,也是照着第一粒程序放一边排好,至到8粒做完 9: 翡翠莲蓉每粒称40g也一样8粒搓圆 10: 全部材料准备好备用,黑白芝麻是用来沾满餅的表面用的 11: 这個时候准备塑胶袋一张,开始取一粒麻薯放在膠袋中間,用另一张蓋着,用剁刀板压成一片圆形片,把8粒做完备用 12: 接下来做另一层翡翠莲蓉的时候,也一样这样做法,8粒做好备用 13: 现在要开始取出包好的酥皮,从第一粒取出輕輕拍扁,用擀面杖从中間擀出去,要轻轻擀不要擀破哦,擀成牛舌状把他捲起来,照程序第一粒排起至到做完,做完后 14: 在从第一粒取出来,收口向下,轉向直的放,从中間擀上去在从中間擀下来,在輕輕擀不要擀破哦,擀破那层次就不美了,擀成长条牛舌状,擀长一些层次就多层,在捲起来,在照着第一粒放排好程序 15: 把全部做好了蓋上保鲜膜免吹干 16: 取出第一粒做起,照程序排下去,这個时候擀皮,包餡料了 17: 取第一粒从中間按下去,从两边折起来在从兩头拉起来,捏起搓圆 18: 輕輕拍扁从里面擀出去,边缘擀出去擀成薄圆片,不要擀破哦 19: 取一片麻薯,将肉鬆和咸蛋黄加入像包包子这样包起来 20: 在取翡翠蓮蓉包起来,内餡不用包美美哒 21: 在用酥皮包起来,用虎口慢慢捏,另一手在下面慢慢把餡料推进去,慢慢的轉捏成圆圆,把他轉过来,在边缘慢慢的推上去,慢慢的轉,另一手慢慢收口,收到最后把收口捏緊 22: 轉过来在板上把他搓圆,把全部做好后排在鋪了油纸的烤盘上 23: 打散一粒蛋备用 24: 取一粒做好的月饼抹上蛋液在表面,要抹兩次,因为要沾上黑白芝麻 25: 沾上黑白芝麻,用手按緊讓芝麻可以粘着蛋液,放在鋪了油纸的烤盘,继续做完8粒 26: (重点来了) 27: 最后很重要哦,如果不看会后悔哦,要用尖尖的枝在表面和旁边插几個洞,敢敢的插下去哦(因为烤时候才不会爆裂开哦)所以要插洞 28: 要先预热烤箱200度 29: 把全部沾上黑白芝麻后用手在上面輕輕按几下,给他扁些 30: 放入烤箱200烤30分钟 31: 30分钟后,香喷喷的网红(台式4Q麻薯月饼)出爐了 32: 切开一粒来看,哇皮酥脆渣,内餡是(翡翠莲蓉,麻薯,肉鬆,咸蛋黄)四种内餡,所以叫4Q麻薯月饼 # 台式4Q麻薯月饼 (喜欢我的视频請記得訂閲和点赞关注我,謝謝支持 Ingredients: A)Oil Skin: 100g multipurpose flour 60g lard oil B) Water skin: 160g multipurpose flour 1 table spoon powdered sugar 70g water 55g butter C) Mochi: 45g glutinous rice flour 35g rice flour 20g corn flour 30g white sugar 180g fresh milk 20g butter 6 salted egg yolk Pork floss180g 320g pandan lotus seed paste black and white sesame Recipe: 1: Start with part C 2: Sift all flour into a bowl for 2 times then add in powdered sugar and milk, mix well 3: Steam for 18 minutes 4: Steam the salted egg yolk too and smash it 5: Start to prepare part A, mix multipurpose flour and lard oil until it's smooth and have shiny surface, cover it with wrapper and put aside 6: Mix everything well, cover with wrapper and put aside 7: Add in white sesame into pork floss 8: Take out part C that we steamed, mix butter evenly and split into 8 portion, make it round 9: Repeat the same for part B and part A 10: Make part B flat, put part A onto part B then cover it. 11: Repeat until 8 portion done 12: Weight the lotus seed paste to 8 portion, 40g each, make it round 13: Get a plastic, take 1 portion C and flat it by covering another layer of plastic on top, repeat the same for the rest 14: Repeat the same for the lotus seed paste too 15: Take the combination of part A & B, flat it slowly, repeat the same for the rest 16: Roll it up like switch roll, make it flat again from the other direction (refer video for more details). 17: Repeat the same for the rest, cover it with wrapper to prevent them from drying up 18: Take out 1 portion, follow steps in video to prepare the skin for filling 19: Take 1 portion of part C, insert pork floss and salted egg, cover it up 20: Then cover it with lotus seed paste at outer layer 21: Cover the it with final layer of skin 22: Beat an egg to apply it on the surface once done. 23: Apply 1 more layer eggs to ensure the black sesame stick on the surface 24: Repeat for the rest 25: Refer video for tips to ensure this biscuit is perfect till the end 26: Bake it in a preheat 200c oven for 30 minutes 27: Done
