Fun & Interesting

4 outlines, 27,000 words, 14 days. | THE OUTLINE-A-THON VLOG!

Kate Cavanaugh Writes 8,896 3 months ago
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To finish up my 100KQ4 writing challenge, I decided to do a bonus outline-a-thon! The basic goal was to outline as many stories as I could in the days counting down to the new year. And in theory, this would help me pick which book(s) I wanted to work on next! (Spoiler alert, I DID achieve the 100,000, all thanks to the outline-a-thon.) Shout out Elaine for this incredible idea! :) 0:00 The origins of the outline-a-thon & how I outline now! 8:30 An actual look at my Scrivener brain dump-to-outline transformation! 9:15 Let the outlining COMMENCE! 32:02 Wrap-up thoughts, if I'd do an outline-a-thon again, and questions for you! ☟↓ QUESTIONS FOR YOU BELOOOOOW! ↓☟ D I S C U S S I O N Q U E S T I O N S : How do you outline? Would you consider taking on an outline-a-thon? Do you have a list of random ideas or "to be written" concepts that you haven't gotten to yet? How do you keep track of them? F I N D M E O N L I N E : ❤️ Instagram: 🧡 Newsletter: 💛 Twitch: 💚 Patreon: 💙 Website: 💜 Medium: 🎥 E Q U I P M E N T U S E D & W H A T I W R I T E W I T H : *My bullet journal / writing & travel notebook: *My main camera for vlogging and time-lapse: Scrivener for my word processing needs: *My "rainbow pens": *My tiny camera with a gimbal for on-the-go and motion-lapse: Aeon Timeline to create visual timelines for my stories: *these are affiliate links, where I receive a small commission that helps the channel! Feel free to ignore. :) 💌 S N A I L M A I L M E : PO Box 1022 607 E. Blanco Road Boerne, TX 78006 #authortube #writingvlog #writingcommunity
